Press releases

Similari: Fast Rust Object Tracking Framework with Python Bindings - 0.25.1 is out

Release Info

Release 0.25.1 is a major release with tested functionality and bugs fixed. It can be used in a production environment.

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About Similari


Similari is a Rust framework with Python bindings that helps build sophisticated tracking systems. With Similari one can develop highly efficient parallelized SORT, DeepSORT, and other sophisticated single observer (e.g. Cam) or multi-observer tracking engines.

The framework helps build various kinds of tracking and similarity search engines - the simplest one that holds vector features and allows comparing new vectors against the ones kept in the database. More sophisticated engines operate over tracks - a series of observations for the same feature collected during the lifecycle. Such systems are often used in video processing or other systems where the observer receives fuzzy or changing observation results.

Out-of-The-Box Stuff

Similari is a framework to build custom trackers, however it provides certain algorithms as an end-user functionality:

Bounding Box Kalman filter, that predicts rectangular bounding boxes axis-aligned to scene, supports the oriented (rotated) bounding boxes as well.

2D Point Kalman filter, that predicts 2D point motion.

2D Point Vector Kalman filter, that predicts the vector of independent 2D points motion (used in the Keypoint Tracker).

Bounding box clipping, that allows calculating the area of intersection for axis-aligned and oriented (rotated) bounding boxes.

Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) - filters rectangular bounding boxes co-axial to scene, and supports the oriented bounding boxes.

SORT tracking algorithm (axis-aligned and oriented boxes are supported) - IoU and Mahalanobis distances are supported.

Batch SORT tracking algorithm (axis-aligned and oriented boxes are supported) - IoU and Mahalanobis distances are supported. Batch tracker allows passing multiple scenes to tracker in a single batch and get them back. If the platform supports batching (like Nvidia DeepStream or Intel DL Streamer) the batch tracker is more beneficial to use.

VisualSORT tracking - a DeepSORT-like algorithm (axis-aligned and oriented boxes are supported) - IoU and Mahalanobis distances are supported for positional tracking, euclidean, cosine distances are used for visual tracking on feature vectors.

Batch VisualSORT - batched VisualSORT flavor.

Publications on Medium

CloudStack-UI 1.411.29 is Out

The overview includes a description of the main enhancements in Release 1.411.29. The key feature of the iteration is the introduction of a new plugin that allows users and administrators to manage resource limits and quotas for accounts. Besides, we enhanced the Log View plugin and such interface components as snapshot management, UI settings, API key management, error messages displaying, Security Group management, Service Offering chooser, as well as fixed a range of bugs for the Pulse plugin and the whole system. Below you will find details on all improvements and fixes of this release.

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CloudStack-UI 1.411.29 is Out

The overview includes a description of the main enhancements in Release 1.411.29. The key feature of the iteration is the introduction of a new plugin that allows users and administrators to manage resource limits and quotas for accounts. Besides, we enhanced the Log View plugin and such interface components as snapshot management, UI settings, API key management, error messages displaying, Security Group management, Service Offering chooser, as well as fixed a range of bugs for the Pulse plugin and the whole system. Below you will find details on all improvements and fixes of this release.

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CloudStack-UI 1.411.24 is Out

On November 9, 2018 we released Cloudstack-UI 1.411.24. In this iteration, we continued developing the Log View UI-plugin and added such features for it as viewing logs in a real-time mode, the search of log entries. Besides, we enhanced naming for new virtual machines and the disk offering selection component, fixed a number of interface bugs. Below you can find the detailed description for main enhancements and fixes.

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Apache CloudStack Generic Key-Value Storage Plug-in

We implement an applications deployment subsystem for Apache CloudStack. Today CloudStack is an IaaS orchestration product which enables administrators to provision and manage public and private clouds, the reliable solution used by cloud market leaders. Customers use virtual machines to provide various applications on top of deployed IaaS topologies. Modern delivery approaches such as DevOps, CI/CD, IaC evolved as a reflection of customers’ demands on reliable, predictable, fast and reproducible applications deployments and lifecycle management. In Bitworks we think that IaaS orchestration systems should move toward those customers’ demands by implementing such applications management subsystems.

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